I am delighted to extend my congratulations to Phillip Capital Management (S) Ltd (PCM) and China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) on the successful launch of their Phillip-China Universal MSCI China A 50 Connect ETF at the Singapore Exchange. It's truly a commendable achievement and a testament to the hard work and collaboration of all involved.
I was honored to be invited, along with my business partner Alvin Tan to be part of the opening bell ceremony. It was a proud moment for us to witness such an important milestone in the industry.
This launch is a result of the dedication and effort put in by PCM and CUAM, as well as the ongoing partnership between SGX Group and Shanghai Stock Exchange. It's great to see initiatives like the ETF Product Link making progress in enhancing connectivity between Singapore and China and opening doors to new opportunities and synergies.
One of the highlights of the event was Linus Lim, CEO of PCM, showcasing his passion for Wing Chun. It was a refreshing and memorable way to close the launch ceremony, and I'm sure our Chinese counterparts greatly appreciated the gesture.
Looking ahead, I am excited about the potential of future ETFs launches, perhaps we may get to witness Linus donning the iconic black and white costume from the Ip Man movie series at the Shanghai Stock Exchange!
Let's continue to celebrate this achievement and stay tuned for more exciting developments in the world of ETFs. Enjoy the photos below!
Thomas Ng, CMT
Principal Trading Representative
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