Thank you PhillipCapital for endorsing me as a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) in Market Analysis and also giving me a top award in recognition of my branding endeavors via Social Media Marketing!
Do also check out my short video in the next post on why you should always brand yourself and why social media marketing is currently the single most powerful and indispensable tool in personal branding and marketing!
In closing, I would like to thank my Chairman, Mr Lim Hua Min and PhillipCapital for giving me a very strong platform to brand myself.
Live Long & 'Brand' Well!

Now, to find out the unparalleled global access PhillipCapital can offer you with a single investment account, pls click here https://www.phillip.com.sg.
To understand what the CMT Accreditation means, pls go to cmtassociation.org.
Lastly, to find out what expertise & services I can offer you, pls check out my brand at www.thom-ng.com & my Market Analysis at facebook.com/whatsyourTA or just simply connect with me!
Thank you & regards
Thomas Ng, CMT Principal Trading Representative 首席股票经纪 www.thom-ng.com
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